Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rats in the Hold

Dear Jira,

This trip over the ocean up until recently has been a little boring. Already I miss the mountain air near New Glydden, or the endless fields outside of Trinsia. I also miss fresh fruit, walking on solid ground, and a sense of privacy. I know that it's mean to think this, but people on this boat stink!

But then again, I suppose I do as well. It isn't like we can bathe very often. Ocean water itches like crazy when it dries.

But just today something exciting happened! The Captain asked for me. I was so excited! He had watched my morning sword practice, the Clangeddin prayer that Uncle Artis taught me mixed in with some things I learned at the Academy. It always draws a crowd, and I like the attention. it shows I'm doing something right! I know what you're going to say, and maybe I am a little full of myself. Just a little. (grin)

When I got to the Captain's chambers Uncle Artis was already there. There were some problems with rats in the hold, some of the rats in there were big. They hurt some of the sailor already, and they wanted help clearing the hold of them.

Artis told me to grab my stuff and meet him at the door to the hold as soon as possible. I just wanted to write you a quick note before I go down there and face my foes!

Wish me luck,
